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A discussion about the chance of Stephane winning his third worldtitle from TSR in french, 84 MB
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Dear English-only-speakers, the below translation is meant for you!
It's not a word-for-word translation of the Cafe des Sports video, but it's rather close. That's why I kept the format of a dialogue. Here's Part 1. Part 2 to be followed, tomorrow
Will SL be able to keep his World Title in March? Has he got back his sacred flame?
«I need to digest everything that I have done so far, I need to digest it in order to spring up, I need to go down to the end in order to go forward». This is what SL announced on Jan 17. And this is the theme of our today’s “Café des Sports”
1) Laurence Bolomey, a sports journalist from Radio Swiss Romande
2) Jacques Wullschelleger, a journalist from Le Matin, specializing in the figure skating, a biographer of SL who made a publication about him in the Favre 2 years ago
3) Olivier PetitJean, a journalist from the SportInformation, specializing in the figure skating for 3 years now
4) Cristine Blanc, an International Judge, 12 years in the profession, who took part in a number of international competitions, in Dortmund 2002 in particular
Q: What was on the mind of SL before he withdrew from the Euros in Warsaw on the 17th of January, and what is on his mind now, shortly before the Worlds?
Jacques Wullschelleger
SL felt his batteries were low, he didn’t feel the force which is necessary for a great battle. Firstly, at 21 he has already achieved a lot, and secondly, he wanted to better monitor his career. He lacked force, he didn’t feel like competing, and in addition, there were issues on a personal plan.
Q: Do you agree?
Olivier PetitJean
Yes, he’s achieved a lot, he is 21 and he is a two times world champion. He hardly had any time for repose. Over the course of the few months he had to participate in 20-30 galas, he was exhausted, he had health problems and on top of it all there were some personal issues (which are outside of today’s meeting). And there was a moment when it all exploded.
Q: And most of the people thought that he broke down
Olivier PetitJean
To an extent, yes, but it was courageous of him to declare withdrawal, to speak openly about his feelings
Q: And his fans from the Club, did they not pressure him?
Jacques Wullschelleger
He was in need of some time to think things through and channel his energy. He didn’t ask a permit from his Club not to go to Warsaw. Since his childhood, he took decisions on his own. The people were disappointed when he withdrew but no one complained.
Q: There was also a commercial reason - you mentioned it to me over the phone
This is my assumption to which there’s no proof, so it’s just my own opinion. Right after the Nationals in Geneva he went to Japan to sign a contract. Given his illness – and he had caught a grippe – he couldn’t have gone there earlier. So he rushed there as he had to respect his contractual obligations. Given that the Worlds are in Tokyo, I personally thought that there might be financial reasons behind it associated with the World Number 1 title.
Jacques Wullschelleger
There are financial reasons, but as Oliver Honer told me, the advertising spot for Xerox&Fuji had nothing to do with the upcoming World Championship. The shooting had been prearranged well before that.
Laurence Bolomey
I can’t know what SL really thinks but I remember his words. He said he had realized that the world was not going to stop turning around without him and that he had drawn a benefit from this knowledge. Also, I believe SL wanted to extend the boundaries of his “world”, like for example, Roger Federer. Roger Federer speaks three languages, he is # 1 in tennis and he’s gained a lot due to it. He has got an entourage for himself, created his own World, he is the ambassador of UNICEF, he’s created a foundation. It might be that SL asked himself: “What about the surrounding world”? “How can I extend my horizons?”
Q: Do you think SL could be jealous of Roger Federer’s career?
ALL – No, not jealous
He wanted to live like the young people of his age live. And the figure skating is the kind of sport which is extremely difficult, it demands countless training sessions for the duration of YEARS. Could he have lived the life of a regular ado, of a regular young man? He may have thought now he could try.
Q: We’ve just talked about what preceded the crisis and 5-6 weeks later SL announces his definite decision to go to Tokyo. That was a surprise to a certain extent, though he never said he would not go there.
Jacques Wullschelleger
No, that wasn’t surprising, whilst the news about his withdrawal from Warsaw was a semi-surprise as we knew he needed a rest and wanted to change his entourage etc. However when he contracted the professionals, one of them an Italian who had already been occupied with Carolina Kostner’s career….
Q: Yes, it’s important; she will be in charge of his career, sponsoring, management…
Jacques Wullschelleger
She will be looking for sponsors In Italy as well as in Asia and Japan. In the past SL’s family was in charge of it, now the two professionals have been added to the team to reinforce it.
Q: Can we say then that SL doesn’t want to be an instrument anymore but wants to become a professional and monitor his career?
Olivier PetitJean
A perfectionist, SL wants to master what he does, and he is eager to create a structure that will be more professional and will empower him with a better control over what is going on.
Personally, I rather think it paradoxical that only 6 weeks after the announcement of his withdrawal (and the words he used when making the announcement were very hard, he said he wanted to discover the world, that he needed a break, a pause. The words he chose for his announcements even suggested an intention to stop his career, at lease, to suspend for a season. And now 5.5 weeks later he has already discovered the world or what?
SL is a star in Japan where there is Lambiel-mania, where people go crazy for him. Should the Worlds take place in USA or Canada, he might not go there.
Jacques Wullschelleger
I don’t think so. He’s reinforced his team with the professionals; he’s prepared a new short programme. One doesn’t do it for the hell of it unless there’s an intention to go to Tokyo
Q: And have you heard an idea that it is all being carefully planned, pre-arranged in advance?
Olivier PetitJean
SL is a player who he likes to experiment things. He is an “old” player, and considering his personality aimed at success…And he is young, if it’s true, it’s not that bad. He can win.
Laurence Bolomey
I am being skeptical about this idea. When SL said there was no sacred flame I believed him. He is not that tough-minded, he is spontaneous in everything: his tears, his joys, his announcements, I can’t really believe it
Jacques Wullschelleger
He is spontaneous because he is an artiste, but as for his entourage and its method to make a career….SL can make good money inasmuch as the Asian market is large and people love him there. Considerations of benefit do exist, in that the new professionals are very important for SL’s career – they will give it an impetus. I am sure SL had already been thinking about it for one or two months, as it’s hyper important for him, before he broke down the news.
Q: Now, if we sum it up, it had a positive effect, this break, and well managed so far. We’ll see what it will be like in Tokyo
I think that one’s physical condition is very important as it goes in conjunction with one’s psychological and mental health, one’s considerations of whether or not to go to a major competition. The physical shape is important as it determines what a person is currently capable of performing on ice. A sportsman in his super shape (not necessarily SL, I am generalizing) who does 10 quads per hour on ice, will never say he doesn’t feel it and hence won’t go to a competition. I believe Stephane’s doubts he had in January were somewhat generated by his physical shape and had to do with what he felt when skating. He was very tired at the time and you could easily see it.
I had accompanied him to the Skate Canada in Victoria. He was not in shape. Already then at the start of the season he had plenty of doubts. He could hardly pass his jumps. Hence, I was not surprised that he didn’t go to Warsaw - miracles do not occur.
Jacques Wullschelleger
I talked over the phone with a member of his family who had been watching SL’s training sessions for some time. Some jumps passed OK, the others – Not. There was a nervous crisis. And you are right saying that doubts are indicative of physical troubles. Brian Jourbert faced it last year too, and now he has a new team and he does perfect jumps – 3A and quads, 90% of success.
A successful long programme which lasts 4.5 minutes is largely dependent on what is on mind. At the start of a programme one must be very confident of oneself saying: I am in shape, it will be a success, I am strong. And in order to feel strong, quads must pass regularly. And if it’s not the case, there are doubts.
Q: Now, let’s get to the theme of today’s meeting: Is it possible for Stephane to win the Worlds?