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Новости от 21.03, или "Как Стефан доводит до инфаркта своих поклонниц".

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Новости от 22.03. Репортаж о произвольной и награждении, интервью со Стефаном (перевод на англ. с оф.сайта см. ниже), а также немного о том, как родственники-соотечественники наблюдали за его прокатами. 37,4 мб
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Перевод интервью со Стефаном из этого видео, взято
Darius Rochebin ( TRS Journal presentator):
"At this hour we are talking, it's 3. in the morning in Japan. Stéphane Lambiel must be sleeping...We joined him this afternoon, he tells about " the will to skate" which is there back and the healthy rivality between sportmen. It was some hours ago in Tokyo:
Stéphane: "Good evening"
D.R. : "First of all: Congratulations!
S.: Thank you!
D.R. So, you come back from far away, yesterday there was the fall, this desapointment ... Today this extraordinary comeback of energy: what do you say to yourself now, what did you say to yourself when getting up this morning?
S: Well...sincerely, this morning...heu... the wake up was a bit hard given the fact the night was quite agitated and the desapointment quite big yesterday. Actually, I was rewinding ( in my head- he makes the gesture of it- ) again and again the image of the fall on the 3A, where I lost 5 sec. to get up ! Yeah...this image stayed for "a little while" in my head before I could get asleep.
D.R. : Anyway, you came back very strong, but Brian Joubert is before you now: your mind about him?
S. : Well, he fought well! And I think that's sport, we have to accept that. Last year and the year before I was on the highest step, this year I've got a Bronze medal, but for me it's a great victory, I'm coming back from far away, and this Bronze medal, that's a beautiful medal, and my 1rst Bronze one!!! So that's it, we must get them all !!! (saying that with a big smile!)
D.R.: So you have this little weird relation between skaters, you are together in the changing rooms a little like sport friends, then in the same time you are at this terrible level of rivality?! What is the relation ? You need to hate your adversary?
S.: Well...at some certain moments, ( he makes " yes " with his head & eyes! ) I think that yes, we hate our adversaries!!! It's true that at the end of my LP, I think that when Brian entered on to the ice and listened to my score, he might not have been loving me much!!!
But...but that's the fact! It is sport, we must fight and we must have anyway that rage and that will to kick/put out (?) ["take to pieces"] our adversary 's head! ( )
D.R. You were two times World Champion in a row, you stay at an extraordinary level, but, is there the fear to say to yourself: " I'm going down" ?
S.: No, simply the fact of being there and to have got back all the feelings which make me as " the Lambiel, the true one !" , well, this is already a great victory!!!
D.R.: Stéphane Lambiel, Thank you! Weldone again ! I think you still haven't eaten anything yet, so, we can imagine...
S. : No, I still haven't eaten much yet, and I didn't have my mother ( on the phone) yet, so I would like to give her a little message:
" I saw that you called me but I was at the press conference, answering to a question, but I 'm giving plenty of big kisses to you !"
D.R. so good appetite! And Kisses to the Mom! Thank you Stéphane Lambiel!
S. thank you!