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Сообщение Vik » Вт мар 20, 2007 10:39

"Лев, остриженный как пудель" - тоже хорошая строчка. :wink:
Катюша, ты довольна? :? А как же лысая грудь?!! Это всё происки злых и завистливых макаронников!!!
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Сообщение Tutta » Вт мар 20, 2007 10:41

Ника писал(а):Катюша, ну посудите сами. Когда переполнилась чаша моего терпения и я публично начала бухтеть про "корова языком" и прочее? 6-7 марта. А 8-го, как известно, солнце наше, подхватив манатки, помчалось в Италию к тамошним брадобреям-имиджмейкерам. ;) Поскольку конечный результат устроил всех: и солнце поразвлекалось, и большинство поклонниц пришло к выводу, что новый имидж более-менее сносен, - миссию можно считать успешно выполненной. :lol: И я лично подарком на 8 марта тоже довольна. :D :D :D

Даже перестарались :wink: Разве против кудрей кто-то возражал :roll:
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Зарегистрирован: Чт мар 23, 2006 15:05
Откуда: СПб

Сообщение катюша » Вт мар 20, 2007 10:48

Vik писал(а):
Катюша, ты довольна? :? А как же лысая грудь?!! Это всё происки злых и завистливых макаронников!!!

Да, помытость-побритось - это есть "хорошо", а вот "лысая грудь" - плохо :(. Надеюсь, что кудри скоро завьются и на голове, и на груди :):):)
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Зарегистрирован: Пн окт 31, 2005 12:10

Сообщение Ника » Вт мар 20, 2007 15:05

Vik писал(а):"Лев, остриженный как пудель" - тоже хорошая строчка.

Ну, вообще-то на льва он куда больше стал похож именно с новым причесоном ;)
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Зарегистрирован: Ср фев 01, 2006 12:56
Откуда: Самара

Сообщение Infinity » Вт мар 20, 2007 15:42

Спасибо, Vik, за перевод! Очень интересно почитать и узнать взгляд на Стефа со стороны человека, с которым он много времени вместе проводит=) Да, Стеф весь такой творческий, наверное миллион идей в голове, то то он может так спонтанно менять программы, ставить новые и тп :D
Бритая грудь мне определенно не нра :P Прическа нра :D
Сообщения: 364
Зарегистрирован: Пн апр 17, 2006 0:35
Откуда: Москва

Сообщение Tasha » Чт мар 22, 2007 18:10

Vik, ты не против, если я твой перевод этой статьи выложу на сайте?
"Не сходите с ума, смерть придет к вам сама"(с) Изображение
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Модератор форумов "Стефан Ламбьель"
Сообщения: 104
Зарегистрирован: Пт апр 29, 2005 20:09
Откуда: Москва

Сообщение Vik » Чт мар 22, 2007 23:01

Не против. :D
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Зарегистрирован: Вс окт 29, 2006 23:38
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург

Сообщение Ника » Вс мар 25, 2007 9:51

Подборка переводов на англ. разных статей с оф.сайта (огромное спасибо переводчикам!)

Интервью с Питером Грюттером (перевод с оф. сайта)

Sport: This time Stephane has taken it right out of his guts Friday 23 March 2007

To the rhythm of Flamenco, frantic and intense, Stephane Lambiel rose to the 3rd place of the World Championship. According to his coach, his artistic skills weren’t evaluated appropriately, in line with what he deserved: “I am in shock”, - said Peter Grutter.

Stephane Lambiel has a rare quality which is the apanage of a conqueror, i.e. his enormous ambitions. To the rhythm of the frantic Flamenco, and inspired by his ambitions, the Little Prince has passed from the 6th place to the 3rd at the Worlds. Peter Grutter has appreciated it when we reached him over the phone. A phlegmatic coach, «the old France», admits having contrasting sensations. Indignation at the cowardly judges. Incomprehension of the press, manichee and volatile. Proud of his brilliant trainee who “has, or near, become himself again”.

Le Temps: What do you feel right now?
P.G. I am satisfied, not with the place, of course, but with the performance. With just one or two errors, Stephane’s magnificent program proved a success. All the public at the skating-rink stood up to applaud him. Like so many others, I was glad to see the Stephane Lambiel we used to know. On the eve he didn’t resemble himself. Today he’s taken it right out of his guts. His artistic performance was dazzling. However, it was hardly better noted than Brian's.
I am in shock. Stephane has succeeded in performing a program which comes out of the lot, while the other skaters continue to piece together jumps, one after another, with a choreography resembling horse-riding. As for the level of components, Stephane deserved a headway lead. However, the margin was no more than a tenth of a point. What’s the use of evaluating the artistic expression if no one takes it into account?

Will you bring a formal complaint?
I talked to a judge whom I know well. He fully shares my opinion. At the next debriefing the judges will have to justify their notes (in accordance with the regulation in view of intricate cases). I am very upset.

Do you think that Stephane should have been ranked higher?
Honestly, we weren’t hoping to mount the podium because there were too many good skaters in front. I just want to note that as regards these two programs, the notes for the artistic expression didn’t reveal any real difference between Stephane and his adversaries. I therefore conclude that the judges don’t have enough courage, and that the established evaluation system is not really ethic.

How did the clan of Lambiel survive the hours followed the frustration caused by the SP?
When everything is bad it is important not to break down. Stephane has a major need to feel that the people are confident of him, no matter what happens. I admit that over the past few days Stephane’s position was not an easy one. Since his withdrawal from the European championship several colleagues and skaters spread rumours that he couldn’t jump any more. Also, we felt a severe criticism from the Swiss press present in Tokyo. I was in shock to discover it.

How do you mean?
This press had fallen into hysteria anticipating the success and didn’t grant us much esteem when things went wrong. It’s regrettable that there’s so little loyalty on their part. Any great champion may fail a competition. Thus, Lu Chan couldn’t even pass the Qualification a year after he had won the world title.

How did you react in these unusual circumstances?
During a competition there’s not much point in analyzing things as often enough you pose awkward questions to yourself. We tried to minimize the damage. We had a meal in a restaurant, all of us, in a cordial atmosphere although the critics had cast a chill.
As for the podium, we didn’t have much hope. If J. Buttle had performed in line with what he is capable of, Stephane wouldn’t have been in the 3rd place, that’s for sure.

What were your initial objectives?
I prefer to dwell about performance and not results, ever. I try to bring across this principle to the children whom I coach, but it’s not easy at all (laughing). In general, if Stephane skates well, and knowing his competitors, he will be far ahead of the others.

What is in the future for him?
Stephane has just announced that he is going to combine the figure skating with other preoccupations. He will study. He would like to enter an Arts School or, may be, learn other languages although he already knows five. He would like to speak Russian and Japanese. To be at peace with himself, Stephane needs to explore new directions. As for the figure skating, we may go on a tour in Japan. We have already received the invitations. When we are walking along the streets in Tokyo, Stephane has to stop all the time. He is very popular.

Your trainee said he wanted to take a prolonged vacation. What could you advise him?
Stephane needs a vacation but it mustn’t be too long. Last year, due to the galas, we lost plenty of time. Personally, I wouldn’t recommend that he goes on a tour in USA. It’s not, after all, worth it.

Were you surprised when Brian Joubert won the Championship?
Not at all. Brian Joubert has had an excellent season. He didn’t seek to win the LP on Thursday. His aim was to win the title which is of an inestimable value for the French Federation, subsidized by the State.

The great force of Brian Joubert

The Frenchman has received recognition he pursued

To think about it, it was only evident. “Today I was worth of the Stephane Lambiel”, -said Stephane Lambiel whose capacity to arouse feelings, intensified by his devilishly obstinate personality, has revealed his innate depths, on Thursday, to the Flamenco music. The two times world champion made two errors: he “over rotated” the quad toe and failed to perform the triple flip. “Even if I had succeeded in performing them, I wouldn’t have retained my title. When a competitor is stronger, one needs to recognize it”.

And Brian Joubert was the strongest. Certainly, the young man who is 22 has an exuberant artistry of an aspirator, while his technical mastership steadily grows as he replenishes his collection of the medals.
Eternally second, this winter he has won everything. In Japan he had only one rival - himself. Dominating from the SP, he seemed to attack. But then a sleepless night and thousands of dark thoughts made him opt for defense. “I wanted to win the title, not the LP”. “He seems to be ill at ease in this role of the favourite”, whispered the French clan, deprived of the world title for 42 years.

There’s something of a paradox about Brian Joubert who possessing a natural force and miraculously strong physically does not seem to cultivate it or does it against his will. The Frenchman was the first to successfully perform a quad toe 2 min 40 sec after the start of a program. An interesting nuance: when he was 11 months old he suffered septicemia. He spent eight days in the intensive care hospital department and lost one of his kidneys.

Christian Despont

UPD: Интересно про Жубера... ему-то что не спалось? Боялся, что Джеффри его перепрыгает?
Последний раз редактировалось Ника Вс мар 25, 2007 10:01, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).
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Зарегистрирован: Ср фев 01, 2006 12:56
Откуда: Самара

Сообщение Ника » Вс мар 25, 2007 9:58


Перевод двух радио-интервью (оф.форум)

Interview from RSR, March 22. Steph's reacting after LP :

Stephane:" It was simply the energy back to me, the energy I needed, and also the little piece of chance that makes us succeed in sport.

RSR reporter: The 3A well succeeded (passed) , that made you being confident when beginning the program?

S: Yes, I was already confident before and I had no doubts on the technical elements, given the fact they worked well at the warming up.

RSR: Can you explain us your program a little more in details, how did you feel ?

S: well , very good! I gave everything! I fought untill the end, in spite of being tired, in spite of the stress, in spite of the heavy legs .

RSR: We saw you at the end, you had the mouth very open , is it a program very painful to perform?

S: Yes, and above all the 2 last spins, it's something very very hard, and it takes you energy, that's clear! But , I don't do an easy sport , and I think that in no sport , to reach the top, we ...I mean, one must really be at our place to know the effort we do, when we're on the ice.

RSR: the public?


RSR Reporter: "Stéphane Lambiel Bronze medallist! After his bad performing on his short program at the Figure Skating World Championships in Tokyo, the Valaisan rised up from the 6th to the 3rd place , behind the Japanese Takahashi and the new World Champion Brian Joubert. At the end of the Official Podium Ceremony, Hervé Borsier asked to Stéphane Lambiel what means this medal to him :

Stephane: "this Bronze medal means to me a great come back after an unlucky short program, where, unfortunately, the 3A didn't worked . Well, finally I succeeded in finding back again the energy which makes me a real Lambiel. This medal means a beautiful return."

Herve Borsier, RSR reporter: " It's the 5th you 've got , has it got a particular taste? because you've had a difficult season?

S.: yeah! It's got a bronze taste! And I didn't know this taste before, so, yes, this is one more medal!

H. B. : "What are you going to do now, these coming weeks, and what is the coming season like? what is the wish you have ?

S.: well, my wish are to go on skating of course, it's my passion, it is the sport that makes me vibrate, and also to find a way of organising myself to do the studies and the skating, to be able , well... maybe to learn some new langage, or to improve the ones I already know...and why not theater? Or... I don't know, I'll have to think about that these coming weeks, to organize myself in the best way!

H. B. : Here are the holidays, now, what are you going to do , you're going to cut (stop) totally?

S.: First going to celebrate & party! and then we'll see!!!"


И еще чуть-чуть от Грюттера: (оф.форум)

Here are a couple more statements from Peter Grutter about the future in "Le Nouvelliste" (23.03), translated:

>Did we see the real Stephane again?
Not a 100%, but he will be back next season.

>And you will still be his trainer?
We don't know yet. But if he still wants, I'm ready.

>What's your feeling in the end of this season?
It was a strange one. It started with a victory with an effort at Skate Canada, then was this aversion which made the impression that he didn't want to skate anymore. Stephane is an artist. And this kind of artist works with eagerness. He's a person who is inpredictable and therefore fascinating.

>Everything worked out well in the end?
I'm very happy for you because I know that journalists are interested in medals. But what happened today was more than this.
Последний раз редактировалось Ника Вс мар 25, 2007 10:15, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).
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Сообщения: 1818
Зарегистрирован: Ср фев 01, 2006 12:56
Откуда: Самара

Сообщение катюша » Вс мар 25, 2007 10:09

Сообщения: 2456
Зарегистрирован: Пн окт 31, 2005 12:10

Сообщение duisiya » Вс мар 25, 2007 11:40

>And you will still be his trainer?
We don't know yet. But if he still wants, I'm ready.

Вот по поводу этого мне бы хотелось дополнительных пояснений. Всё-таки, Чайковская не совсем бред несла про разлад с Грюттером?
"Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss you'll land among the stars."(c) Les Brown
Сообщения: 69
Зарегистрирован: Вс дек 17, 2006 1:17

Сообщение катюша » Вс мар 25, 2007 12:07

Да, мне бы тоже хотелось узнать про тренерство Грюттера...

Всё-таки в японских шоу будет катать :( А я надеялась...
Сообщения: 2456
Зарегистрирован: Пн окт 31, 2005 12:10

Сообщение rita » Вс мар 25, 2007 13:14

катюша писал(а):Да, мне бы тоже хотелось узнать про тренерство Грюттера...

Всё-таки в японских шоу будет катать :( А я надеялась...

Еще одно интервью с форума

Re: The Photos and Articles Thread Part III
« Reply #1444 on Today at 10:53am »

Here's the translation of todays interview in Sonntagsblick:

"I will skate in all important competitons next year"

You are already making plans. Does this mean for your fans that you will continue?
Yes. I will take part in all important competitions like Grand Prix, Worlds and Euros next season.

No worries about needing a time-out again?
No. I have to get organized well already now. In order to have enough breaks I will not go on the show-tour in the USA.

But you can earn money in those shows...
I will do some shows in between. Events in Moscow, Paris and New York are planned. In addition two shows in Japan with eight and six performances each. Invitations from China are being discussed.

Isn't that too much again?
No, because there are only single events. Too much stress are tours over several weeks. That's why we said no to the USA, but also to a possible tour in Russia.

Will you present a new LP next year?
It would be a pity if I had shown the Flamenco only once. I will keep it and make it still more beautiful. It should be like ice dancing with jumps.

How will you do that?
I will have more education in dance. Attending a ballet school.

Do you have other plans for summer?
Next to the shows I will do a lot of training on the ice. I want to go back to school again too, I would like to improve my German and English language skills, maybe even studying Japanese. And I need to do a good physical preparation for the competitions.

You were 2nd in Torino. Do you plan until Vanouver 2010?
The chance to compete in Vancouver I would say is 55 to 60 percent. A month ago it was 25 percent.

У России шансов больше чеи у Америки! :P :P :P
Сообщения: 467
Зарегистрирован: Пн янв 22, 2007 14:31

Сообщение duisiya » Вс мар 25, 2007 13:32

That's why we said no to the USA, but also to a possible tour in Russia.

Ну вот, этот тур будет летом, да? Как раз в то время, когда я буду в Штатах, ё-мое. А в Штаты он уже не поедет.

The chance to compete in Vancouver I would say is 55 to 60 percent. A month ago it was 25 percent.

Ну это уже прогресс :-o Надеюсь, проценты и дальше будут увеличиваться (каков математик! свои ощущения с точностью до 5 % определяет).
"Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss you'll land among the stars."(c) Les Brown
Сообщения: 69
Зарегистрирован: Вс дек 17, 2006 1:17

Сообщение Vik » Вс мар 25, 2007 21:00

Статья на немецком:http://www.nzz.ch/2007/03/25/sp/articleF1ITM.html#startOfContent

Als die Medaillengewinner der Eiskunstlauf-WM gefragt wurden, welche Ziele sie in den nächsten drei Jahren hätten, sprach der zweitplacierte Japaner Daisuke Takahashi vom zweiten Vierfachsprung, der siegreiche Franzose Brian Joubert von den nächsten olympischen Spielen. Der Schweizer Stéphane Lambiel formulierte es so: «Mein Ziel ist es, ein anderes Ziel im Leben zu finden.»
Когда призёров ЧМ по ФК спросили, какие цели они ставят перед собой на ближайшие 3 года, серебряный призёр японец Дайсуке Такахаши сказал о втором четверном прыжке, победитель француз Браян Жубер о следующих ОИ. Швейцарец Стефан Ламбьель сформулировал это так:"Моя цель - найти какую-нибудь другую цель в жизни."

И здесь выпендрился! Что-то будет... :?

Auf die Frage, wie hoch die Chancen sind, dass man ihn an den Olympischen Spielen 2010 sieht, lacht er. «Vor einem Monat hätte ich noch gesagt 25 Prozent; jetzt würde ich sagen: viel mehr als 50 Prozent.»
На вопрос, насколько высоки шансы на то, что мы увидим его на ОИ-2010, он засмеялся. "Месяц назад я бы ещё сказал 25%; сейчас я скажу: намного больше 50%."
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Зарегистрирован: Вс окт 29, 2006 23:38
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