: Tired but happy. Stephane Lambiel knows that he has release an almost perfect performance the good day.
He didn't commite mistakes despite the pressure and the fact that he skated the last.
- Stephane Lambiel : It's more difficule because we feel that the others are fighting and they really want to get me.
I think that if I had made a mistake, they could have take the advantage, so I really had to be as strong as last year and that was really hard.
Speaker: Most of all, that Stephane didn't have the right to a mistake after the performance of Brian Joubert.
- Bian Joubert: I didn't expect to have a so big score but happily. After the score, the rank doesn't matter...
Speaker: It doesn't matter but still, backstages Brian looks the performance of Stephane and left seeing the good performance from the swiss.
Stephane Lambiel is just the best one more time. He is double world champion.
No other Swiss skaters have been twice world champion before, Stephane has showed that he is a great champion who can hold out the pressure. Now he can take a rest.
- Stephane Lambiel: I am very happy, the first title was a surprise, this one is a confirmation. I feel so good after what I did.
Speaker: And he can because despite of the aspect, Stephane Lambiel is really the bigger.
Interview of the president of his Fan club... (in outline he says it was the first time they weren's with him)
Second reportage:
Speaker: This is the first images of Stephane Lambiel and we already notice him. The wonder from valais has no intention of giving up so early, he comes from a workers family
He comes from Saxon, a little village who make him prince long before that the world crown him king.
- Stephane: As soon as I put skates, it was immadiately something that please me. Since 7, I walked in all the skating rinks with lot of pleasure.
Speaker: It begins with a beautiful 4th place in Europe championships in Lausanne, but Europe is quickly not big enough, the world comes in Moscou, in the land of Plushenko who wasn't there because of injurie.
Stephane doesn't belive in it itself, he becomes world champion. He hasn't 20, the world belong to him. Perfectionist he takes care of everything, choregraphie, costumes... He is ready for the olympics, the consecration for a skater. And at 20 he receive silver, gold isn't so far.